Jetzt auch Milzbrandfall bei Heroin-Konsument in Frankreich
Hier die Original-Nachricht der Fédératon Addiction
A case of anthrax was diagnosed in France on 9 July 2012. The patient’s onset of symptoms occurred on 11th june 2012, 3 days after an IV injection of heroin in the forearm. First clinical signs were consistent with moderate fasciitis, and the patient presented later with fever, extensive skin necrosis of the arm, shoulder and neck area. He stayed in the ICU from 13th June to 4th july, and is now slowly recovering.
Blood cultures carried out on 11th june were positive and the isolated bacterium was first mistaken for Bacillus cereus. It has been definitively
confirmed as Bacillus anthracis by PCR on 9th July. The strain will be genotyped and compared with those isolated from German patients.The investigation determined that the heroin was purchased in France in the Rhône-Alpes region, and that the patient did not travel out of France. Investigations are still ongoing to try to determine the exact place of purchase of the heroin. We will post a follow-up message with the results of the investigation.
Die Fédératon Addiction Frankreich berichtet von einem weiteren Milzbrand-Fall. Die ersten Symptome beim Patienten traten am 11. Juni auf; 3 Tage nach dem intravenösen Heroin-Konsum. Neben starkem Fieber, starben Hautareale an Arm, Schulter und Nacken ab. Der Patient befindet sich jedoch auf dem Weg der Besserung. Als Herkunftsort des milzbrandverseuchten Heroins wurde die Rhône-Alpen-Region ausgemacht. Dem genauen Bezugsort wird noch nachgegangen.